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Dessin à dessein:

Creation graphicprint tracking,

Workshop with École de Condé

Pascal Colrat,

Alban Gervais,

Vincent Perrottet.

Poster displayed for the 2015 Graphic Design Festival,

during the exhibition

"What's my job?" ; "C'est quoi mon métier ?" - Paris 15.

Create a poster to answer the question: For you, what is graphic design?

Experimentations, poster.

"More than ever, and increasingly, we are evolving in societies that shape our consciousness through images.Vincent Perrottet

"Graphic design is part of those arts that escape our attention." Ernst Gombrich

How to sensitize the general public to the culture of the graphic design, to sensitize them to this practice, to value the steps, to understand the requirements?

The expression medium chosen will be the poster, as an immediate and synthetic vector of a message.

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