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Habitat Jeune Pau:

Internship project

Photo, graphisme, webdesign.


Habitat Jeune association is for the young people aged 16 to 30 who are looking for housing for young adults. This association offers furnished accommodations

and collective spaces favoring meetings and exchanges. It also offers personalized support for young people who want it as part of their job search.

During my internship the association contact the studio, "Sonner Sans Frapper"

to create a new visual identity and a new website.


My mission was:

- Create an alphabet: The requested typography was the "blue highway"

I reworked it in a humanized version.

- Imagine a background of the site (it will be important to identify the different residence) my proposal that was retained by the client was paper cut

- Think about the navigation of the site, in team with the web developer: creation

of a conventional navigation for the whole site but we added a particularity to

the part "residences". We chose to set up a system that allows to move on

the bottom and thus "travel" on the territory to have access to each residence.

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